Pregancy Options
(http://www.pregnancyoptions.info) has important information on abortion and decision making tools.
Choice Link Up
(https://www.abortioncarenetwork.org/) is a pro-choice directory listing for information about reproductive health and rights.
(http://www.4exhale.org) post abortion counseling
4 Relationship Problems and How to Solve Them
Peace After Abortion
(http://www.peaceafterabortion.com) is the site is based on the book, “Peace After Abortion”. Although most women who have abortions do not experience negative feelings, some women may struggle with their feelings. You will find information here to help you understand the origin of your emotional and spiritual pain. You will also find the stories of other women who have experienced distress related to an abortion.
Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
(http://www.crlp.org) an independent, nonprofit legal organization dedicated to ensuring that all women have access to reproductive health services. Site offers fact sheets, reports, articles, and news on topics on abortion.
Feminist Majority Foundation
(http://www.feminist.org) The Foundation’s mission is to create innovative, cutting-edge research, educational programs, and strategies to further women’s equality and empowerment, to reduce violence toward women, to increase the health and economic well-being of women, and to eliminate discrimination of all kinds.
National Organization for Women
(https://now.org/) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States.
National Organization for Women
(https://www.ivfauthority.com) is a complete guide to understanding In Vitro Fertilization.
NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
(http://www.nowldef.org) continues to be at the center of every major social and economic justice concern on the women’s rights agenda. NOW LDEF pursues equality for women and girls in the workplace, the schools, the family and the courts, through litigation, education, and public information programs.
Alan Guttmacher Institute
(http://www.guttmacher.org/) the mission of the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) is to protect the reproductive choices of all women and men in the United States and throughout the world. AGI provides reliable, balanced, nonpartisan information on sexual activity, contraception, abortion and childbearing.
Catholics For A Free Choice
(http://www.catholicsforchoice.org) a social justice organization devoted to research, policy analysis, education and advocacy on issues of gender equality and reproductive health.
National Council of Jewish Women
(https://www.ncjw.org/) is a volunteer organization that works through a program of research, education, advocacy and community service to improve the quality of life for women, children and families and strives to ensure individual rights and freedoms for all.
Early Option Pill
(http://www.earlyoptionpill.com) Danco Laboratories, a women’s health pharmaceutical company, is the American distributor of Mifeprex and RU486. The site has comprehensive information on the abortion pill, the first FDA approved pill for ending early pregnancy.